Saturday, December 13, 2008


I feel that preschools are important. They teach little ones how to interact with each other, problem solve, self Independence, self control, sharing skills, compassion's skills, and many more. I have no idea if I went to preschool. Hang on let me call my mom and ask... Mom said yes I did go at the age of 2 1/2 till kindergarten. I have not worked in a Preschool. My boys just started yesterday. That is a great question. i think that a good preschool is going to be different for the child. I know that parents would want a school that offers a great secuss rate with kids going into kindergarten, I feel that a preschool needs to have a good learning enviroment nurturing, supportive, a bit changeling for the child to bring the best out of them, and most imporant the child is safe. My only other thoughts on the education of the population under 5 is that we should embrance it and give them the best that we can.

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