Saturday, December 13, 2008

The single most infulential thing for childern

I think that I will have to say their family. I feel that many of will pick this on. Family is the number one that can make or break a child in today's society. The family setting is first place children learn. This is a foundation to how a child is going to react in the world. This is the very beginning of learning. Children learn how to react with people, how to handle emotions, deal with stress, and so forth.

As a parent I stress about what can I do on a very day basis that will give them the best example. I do fail on this goal. I am learning everyday with these two. I lived in a very hostile house when growing up and it is my goal to not have that with Rylan and Aydan. Woody and I talk all the time on how we can improve what we are doing, whether it is doing chores to going out for dinner. I am happy to be able to BRAG that my two are very well rounded. We are able to do things that my friends don't even dare to do with their preschoolers. I feel confidant that Woody and I are giving them a very solid foundation to life.

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